Terms of Service

★ By purchasing my services, you automatically agree to the terms of service below. These terms may be updated at any time with no notice to potential clients. Current clients are held to terms and prices set at time of purchase.★ By commissioning, you confirm you are at least 18.★ Regardless whether purchase or gift, fanart, audio, voicework or otherwise, absolutely none of the content I produce may be used for AI Training.

Creation Process and Changes

★ Please contact me over whichever communication platform you prefer. I'll send your images (or Google Drive links, if they're too large) over this platform. Personally, I like Discord, I don't always notice Twitter DMs, and I try to check my email nearly every day.★ I try to communicate at the different milestones as I work! Usually I'll update with the idea sketch, clean sketch, and the line-art as well. I don't post updates during coloring process, but may still stream during it.
I value the input of the people that commission me and want the piece to be what they envisioned. If you would like less communication, you can also request that or even to be surprised at the very end (while keeping the progress updated on Trello, of course).
★ That said, I don't like to be interrupted. If you're desperate for progress updates, please check my Trello. Clients should not contact me more than once every three days concerning their commission.★ If you would like your commission to be private, please state this upon ordering. I reserve the right to charge a fee for being unable to share WIPs or stream my progress, the fee depending on the project.★ If you are in a hurry, please let me know the date and I'll calculate any rush fee, if applicable. While I pride myself on being timely, taking breaks while working on something does improve quality, so I would prefer not to work on anything due within 3 Days of order for the recipient's sake.
For complex illustrations (fancy background, multiple characters, etc), I would prefer at least one week minimum to work, so please plan accordingly!
Rush fees for Illustrations will be in a 3 week period, while for Rush Chibis and Palette Sketches it will be within 1 week.
★ I'm not responsible for dissatisfaction if you did not attempt to get me to correct something at the appropriate timing. That said, I love making people happy with my art rather than sad, so for particularly nice clients, I'll work with you on small changes up to a certain point.★ A-hole Clause: A client that becomes rude, demanding, or aggressive forfeits their rights to my time and work and will not receive a refund.

For Art

★ Upon accepting payment (Or half in the case of orders over $500) I'll start formulating ideas. Once I have a few, I'll send them to you to choose from, unless you've asked for something very specific! In that case, this step is skipped. This step may take anywhere from 1-7 days unless otherwise stated.★ I'll send a somewhat-clean but colorful sketch for your approval. Heavy details are omitted, to be added during lining. Please request any major changes at this point- This is your free changing area! If you are doing a split payment, please pay the rest at this time. This step may take anywhere from 1-7 days unless otherwise stated.★ Upon completing the lines for your work, I add grays and try to work out shadows. I'll send you this Gray-Fill for your approval and to get your preference for lighting. If there are any other changes, please address them now as fixing them here will be cheaper on time than fixing them later. This step may take anywhere from 2-15 days unless otherwise stated.★ Upon completing the shading, I'll send a screenshot for your approval. Color adjustments are no cost! Major changes cost significantly more. This step may take anywhere from 3-20 days unless otherwise stated.

Music Commissions: By Inquiry Only

Payment Terms

★ Payment is accepted through my Ko-fi page or VGen. I will make a special commission slot in my Ko-Fi Shop just for you, so please wait for it! Otherwise, we can use VGen's very convenient features. Please do not use the donation feature for the start of your commission, for your own protection, as donations are non refundable.★ In the event of needing to pay for changes or additions, likewise I will make a new commission option on Ko-fi for your specific purchase, or go through VGen.★ I accept Stripe and whatever cards Ko-fi accepts, but I prefer NOT to accept PayPal. I do not accept in-game currency for my art.★ Complex designs, weapons and props can increase the price. If you're unsure, please ask!★ All prices are per character and based in USD.★ Prices are for a digital item. You will receive the full resolution signed PNG as well as a smaller online version, delivered by way of your chosen communication or by link if there is a size limit on that platform. If you would like a full resolution unsigned version, please request it as well for no additional cost.★ Payment is upfront only. For orders over $500(USD) I'm willing to take half up-front, half after completing the cleaned sketch. I will not start line-art without full payment.

Copyright and Usage

★ The client may distribute the art with credit to me, the artist. They may make small edits without needing to consult me. The client is allowed to transform the work to suit their needs, but may not at any circumstance claim the work as wholly their own. My signature is not to be removed from versions used promotionally.★ I am allowed to stream and post my work on any site I feel comfortable unless my silence has been bought by NDA.★ I am willing to use contracts upon request. If I need to create the contract, there will be an additional fee. I am also willing to simply go "By Word," that is to use direct messages and emails as binding, for those preferring non-contract options.★ My work may not be minted as an NFT.★ All clients may use and distribute their commissioned work for personal and commercial use, including but not limited to: avatars, background music for streams, phone or computer wallpapers, rewards, and personal website/profile displays.★ All clients may use their commissioned work for thumbnails, videos, or other promotional and marketing purposes.★ Non agency/company backed clients may print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of their commissioned work and sell it for their own profit for up to three years after the artwork has been delivered, after which printing rights will revert to the artist. Printing rights will be permanently purchasable upon further negotiation at that time.★ Prices include commercial usage and printing rights for non agency/company backed clients.
Clients who are a part of an agency or large company typically have more support to reach further, to buy more art for advertising and will typically be seen or sold more as a commercial product than that of a solo creator working on their own. For this reason, cooperate commissions are by quote only. Thank you for your understanding.
★If you are in a creator group but it is not backed by a large corporate sponsor, your prices and usage rights remain that of a smaller creator. Companies that sell an individual type of product will not count in this.

Termination Circumstances

★ I have the right to decline work should I feel unable to complete it.★ If for some reason I am unable to complete the work after agreeing to take it on, this will result in a full refund.★ All sales are final and non-refundable besides the above circumstance.★ All donations and tips are non-refundable.

★Did I draw your character just because I wanted to?
★In this event, you may use the art I have done of your character / persona / IP for any marketing and branding purposes, and may re-distribute that work with credit to me. You are not granted commercial usage, nor any printing usage rights.

Commission Information

★ Please be sure to have read my Terms of Service★ Prices are for a digital item. You will receive the full resolution signed PNG as well as a smaller online version, delivered by way of your chosen communication or by link if there is a size limit on that platform.★ I will provide a full resolution unsigned version upon request only. This would be a third delivered image but at no additional cost under normal pricing, and would be the one suggested for printing purposes.★ Prices are all USD.★ Rush Fees are available and dependent on time allotted.★ Prices include commercial usage, and 3 year printing usage rights for non-agency/company backed clients. For agencies and companies, printing rights may be bought for an additional fee, which will be determined based on the expected usage. My prices include being able to use the work online, however!

★ I will work on the following, but with either a fee or added time for practice/getting it right:

  • NSFW/Ecchi (+ 20-50% +fee)

  • Mecha (+time +fee)

  • Furry/Anthro (Kemonomimi excluded)(+time)

  • Complicated props and outfits (+time +fees below)

  • Armor! (+time +fees below)

  • Additional characters in scene (+time, additional characters same price as first)

  • Complicated / scenic backgrounds (+time +fees below)

  • Other! Just ask!!

★ I will not work on the following:

  • Hateful things or things that may be harmful to some people.

  • Replicating other peoples' work, or other styles that are not already in my gallery.

  • That's about it- Money talks folks.

★ I will need references for your character, and if you like, a short personality description. Please provide as much as you would like, I love learning about the characters I'm drawing!★ Specify preferred mood, tones, or colors you would like to see.★ Please mention any specific pose you would like, any items, clothing, jewelry you don't want forgotten, or anything else you would like to see included.★ Even simple backgrounds can look like somewhere, so if you have any ideas just let me know!★ Not required, but if you have an idea you want to make a stick drawing of, I can go off that too!

Keep Scrolling Down!

Digital Illustration

Deep shading, detail and sparkle

Unless you don't want as much sparkle-

★ I use an A4 300 DPI portrait canvas. If you would like another size or ratio, please let me know.★ Please specify if what kind of background you would prefer. If you don't decide, I will and it will be sparkly. If you want a white background, specify that!★ Depending on complexity, my familiarity with the subject matter, and my own schedule, production can take anywhere from 5 to 60 days. I pride myself on finishing things in a timely manner, however taking enough time for the piece ensures proper quality.★ If you would like a certain due-date, just mention it! I'll let you know if it counts as a rush. Please be aware that rushed things may not be up to the same quality as something I take longer on.

TypePrice+Detailed design+Detailed Background+Detailed prop

Illustrated Chibi

All the shading and sparkle, but small!

★ All chibis start on an A4 landscape canvas at 300DPI. If you have another specification, let me know!★ Unless otherwise specified, chibis will receive a white background.

TypePrice+Detailed design+Detailed prop+Background (simple=free)
Full Chibi$180$150$*$120

Sparkly Palette Sketch

Colored sketches

★ Starts on an A4 300DPI canvas and is then trimmed down. If you have a size specification, let me know!★ Background will be some weird sparkly nonsense. You don't get a choice but you can make a suggestion.★ Only using the character's color palette for everything, shading, lights, etc. Skin color also included.

TypePrice+Detailed design+Detailed prop
Half Body$120$30$*

* Prop prices will depend on size, complexity and position

Stream Slideshow

Art featured on my stream! If you click the image, you'll be taken to the artists' social media.

More Art of Safi!

Art received from others that I'm not sure if I can put in my slideshow or not, or I don't have the person's social media--

About Safi Sphaera

The face character that the artist hides behind, that is-

Birthday: Date claimed for the next 30 years is February 10. Celebrated between Imbolc and Ostara, technically only once every 30 years (they go by Saturn's revolution).Height: 157cmFavorite Color: IndigoSpecies: Fallen Herald Star (Plasma born in a specific nebula, cooled into lava-lamp-like-goo)Languages: EN, scuff JP, extra scuff FR-
I can read Fr, and listen to JP but speaking is nerve wracking without having practiced with others more! Wanna study together?
I'm worse at hearing FR and basically illiterate in JP, but I have flash cards I've been using-

A 42,069 year old star that fell to the world to warn of an impending flood. It didn't work out, they were stuck in a rock for a while, now they don't like telling fortunes anymore, don't ask-After being broken out of their stone prison Safi took a human form based on the one that petrified them in the first place. They could take other forms, but this is their favorite.Be assured though, Safi is a star and is therefore made of plasma, which takes the form of a gentle blue goo. Not too hot, and great in coffee apparently.If you've noticed all the "Theys" and "theirs," please note that this is because Safi is a non-binary star. It isn't that they're multiple stars fused together. Not anymore-

Lore comic/video TBA?

Streams: https://vstream.com/c/@SafiScoresTypically M-F between 11am - 4pm GMT-5
Some Saturdays, some Mondays off.
Streams tend to include art/illustration, rigging, music, chill games (and Splatoon3) and a certain amount of scuff because Safi is still kind of new to streaming! They're open to tips and tricks and love to learn though.

All donations and tips are non-refundable.